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Free Verse: Stroke

 The alarm wakes us up bright and early in the morning as a voice says lets get going

 Along side my brother and sister we walk down the stairs

 All of us thought this would just be antoher day

But little did we know this would be a day we wouldnt soon forget

We hop in the car as the engine begins to stir and off we go to early morning daycare

Our mom drops us off with a kiss goodbye as we walk inside just another day gone by  

We begin to entertain ourselves with a few of the toys

when suddenly I see somtehing out of the corner of my eye
My brother was sitting on the couch as still as a mouse

But I could see fear in his eyes as he gasped for breath

I run over and yell for help as he continues to struggle for air

The teacher comes over and says its okay and sends me to class for the rest of the day

As I enter my class a tear comes to my eye as I wonder what happend as the time went by
 A siren is heard in the distance as the ambulance drives off follwoed by a sheer silence

 The day ends as I go to a freinds house little did I know this was my home for the next couple days

A few days later we visit the hospital and see him lying motionless in bed

As my mother  and father stand close by his bed a tear  in their eyes

his surgery was tomorrow thery were not sure if he would survive

The day of the surgery felt as long as a whole week but out came the doctor

The news he had made us all overjoyed my brother thomas would live a normal healthy life



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